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(22 Ratings)

Movement path

Method Description: Gymnastic equipment that allows to build a course: small benches, climbing elements, cones, ... A child, together with the educator, prepares the course. It provides stations for climbing, going on 4 legs, rolling, jumping, ... It shows the route and what to do at different stations to other children. The other children follow the course by making the movements planned for the different stations. Then each child brings a variation to the course and shows it to the whole group.
Inclusion Goal: The objective of this method is to offer all children the opportunity to participate in a physical activity that supports their motor skills in general. As children invent the course and exercises in turn, this activity also encourages interaction between children by highlighting the skills of each child.
Challenges: It is important that all children can experience their skills and not feel overwhelmed. The level of activity must be adapted to the skills of each child.
Success Indicators: Children appreciate that the child interacts with the group and the children learn from each other.
Keywords: Course, gross motor skills, Balance, Interaction
Attachments: EAR_incl__Parcours_mouvements_1_.jpg