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This is me! Introducing yourself on the body outline

Method Description: The children lie down individually on a roll of wallpaper or a large, wide sheet of paper. The legs are straight, feet to the side. The arms are straight, some distance apart with the body, finger. Then, an outline is made of them as close as possible. The other kids look up to and watch the child lying on lying still and patient. The body is then processed by each child, glued, painted and "filled". Finally, you cut out the outline and the person in life size.
Inclusion Goal: The content is easily recycled for each group to know themselves and each other. To introduce in order to highlight differences (individuality), but also similarities. The self and others will be trained here. The outlines are designed very specifically. Everyone is trying to portray itself by external features paints (e.g. long / short hair, favorite clothes, skin and eye color, etc.) On the other hand, the body can have things added to show personality (e.g. hobbies, favorite things ,. ..) These self-images can then be used then in order to introduce the group. ( "That's me! My hair color is brown and i have green eyes. My favorite food is ... etc.)
Challenges: Ability for a while to lie quietly, appropriate concentration, overcome inhibitions. This encourage confidence in a group setting.
Success Indicators: Most children find this activity fun. The result is always very pleasing. Yourself to see yourself in life size and to have the most children impressed. ( "How tall am I?") The diversity of results provides a good basis for further discussions and units. If one has the possibility to suspend the outline, making it the personal individuality, diversity, commonality, but also the group feeling and accessories visible to others.
Keywords: Body, body outline, self-image, group feeling, individuality, commonality