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(56 Ratings)

Numerals or characters learn by memory

Method Description: With this game, especially the visual memory of children is addressed: It is about the re know of forms and symbols. Here the children sit at a table and must deal with letters and symbol puzzles. It can, for example letters map "Meaning Maps" (the "A" of the apple but also associated with the "a". Be. The children are invited to create their own puzzle cards that comply with their respective understanding and skills.
Inclusion Goal: The direct aim is that the children signs and symbols to understand the memory game.
Challenges: The task was for the children to learn the alphabet by playing memory. The group consists of 15 children among the 15 children there is a child who selects to be non verbal, a child with Down syndrome and a child with very pronounced Cerebral Palsy
Success Indicators: If the children are able to name the letter, write and or sign the letter and understand.
Keywords: Letters, Memory
Media Links: http://www.lehrerweb.at/materials/gs/deutsch/schreiben/