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(28 Ratings)

Joint intensive communication

Method Description: Inclusive target is to include a child with severe autistic behaviors in group situations of typically developed children. It should be noted that the boy has no expressive language.
Inclusion Goal: The inclusive goal is to create situations for the boys with autism spectrum disorder, in which he can profit from the joint actions of the other person
Challenges: Common reacting intensive interaction with a child with complex and profound disabilities. The actual core of the development of reciprocity are the own activities of the child, understood by the educators as messages, accepts joyfully as such and in this empathizes so common (usually mirrored) activity arises that inspires the child.
Success Indicators: Successful is the inclusion of this boy when he both benefited from being with typically developing children, and can control his challenging behavior such (e.g. by intensive interaction that can also perform other children)
Keywords: Intensive interaction
Media Links: https://www.uni-oldenburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/sonderpae...
Attachments: intensive_interaction.mp4