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(36 Ratings)

Playing together on the computer

Method Description: Select a computer game that can be played as a community game. Try with your partner / your partner/peer, so that they can possibly provide assistance. Then make it different couples and explain to the children the game (children understand this rule, faster than the adults). Take care that the pairing is random and not the competition is in the best case in the foreground of the game.
Inclusion Goal: Experience the games on the computer with others as a common challenge and common interaction
Challenges: Playing on the computer exerts a strong fascination for many children. Most games are provided, however, as individual games and therefore contribute little to social contact. In other games (e.g. wii) is the coexistence in the foreground, which seems to be important, especially in children with a migrant background of social contact.
Success Indicators: Successfully this method is if children play with different abilities together a cooperative game on computer