The Inclusion
Briefing Packs are ready with information sheets related to educational needs of
children with special needs.
The Inclusion Briefing Packs consist of 2 parts a) Briefing Packs Based on initial work
of Professor Barry Carpenter and his research team, the Complex Learning
Difficulties & Disabilities (CLDD) “Briefing Packs” provide relevant information
for educators and related professionals, who are not primarily trained in the field
of special needs. The packs provide information about Attachment, Autism,
ADHD, and Effects of drug and nicotine abuse during pregnancy, Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome, Fragile X- Syndrome, mental health issues, Prematurely born children, Rare
Chromosomal Syndromes and Sensory Impairment. This information is meant as a starting point to understand and develop strategies for children with one or more disabilities or special needs. These children could be termed as having Complex Needs. b) Learning Outcomes Based on a Learning Outcomes Model and levels within the European Qualification Frame the “Learning Outcomes” provide EQF-level specific certification (e.g. teaching assistants for day mothers/day fathers, staff in day nurseries, kindergarten teacher, youth workers etc) through a series of exercises and reflective questions. Both resources are part of the broader strategy within the Project to increase knowledge and skills towards inclusive practice. “Briefing Packs” and “Learning Outcomes” – together with the “Inclusion Methods Market” is an integrative part of the “Inclusive Competence Passport”. Studying the “Inclusive Briefing Packs” and learning about the “Inclusion Methods Market” contributes individual credits to the portfolio of the user. This portfolio can be widened by taking part in face-to-face multiplier events within the project or other workshops/seminars within the field of inclusion. |