Sozial- und Heilpädagogisches Förderungsinstitut Steiermark, SHFI

Partners (institutional) name Insitution for Social and Special Needs Styria
Role in the project Operational project partner
Responsible person (for the project) Siegfried Holzschuster
Address Puchstraße 85/C/1
8020 Graz
Main activity in the project
Main area of work concerning Early Inclusion
The „Sozial- und Heilpaedagogische Förderungsinstitut Steiermark“ (SHFI) is a NGO in Graz, Styria, southern province of Austria. 
1986 founded, the Institute provides education, research and implementation of new concepts in the field of Early Childhood Intervention (ECI), social work for youth (Jugendsozialarbeit) and other professional fields focusing on the inclusion and supprt of young persons with and without disabilites (Ausbildung zu FamilienentlasterInnen). 

The “SHFI” is an integrative part of the activities of the European Eurlyaid-Group. Within this context it is our special interest. 
a) to promote the idea of European curricula 
b) to initiate international educational impulses in this field 
c) to provide research concerning curricular issues 
d) to develop concepts and training courses in different areas of special education.

SHFI understands its attemps of professional training as a multidisciplinary holistic child and family-centered supportive activity emowering families and the elevant environments in terms of mainstream inclsuion. 
IN cooperation with FH Kärnten SHFI provides mainstream training in the field of 'youth social work' and therefore beside small children also focuses on adolescents and their inclusion into society.

Early Inclusion Project


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