Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar

Partners (institutional) name Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Education
Role in the project Operational project partner
Responsible person (for the project) Dr. F. Lassú Zsuzsa
Address Kiss János alt. u. 40.
1126 Budapest
Homepage http://www.tok.elte.hu
Main activity in the project
Main area of work concerning Early Inclusion
The Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) was estabilished in 1635. 
The University has 8 faculties. The ELTE has 292 bachelor’s degree and combined undergraduate-graduate programs, has 93 master’s degree programs and 80 combined undergraduate-graduate teaching degree programs. The ELTE has 75 academic lecturers (21% of Members of Hungarian Academy of Sciences is ELTE employee), has 16 PhD schools and more than 100 PhD programs. It also has 5 colleges dedicated to special area of knowledge e.g. Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, or Education. 
The ELTE is Hungary’s most popular university with 28.200 students. The University has an enormous library with 3.6 million copies of books with numerous antiquarian and rare books. 

Our Faculty is the Primary and Pre-School Education. We’re training studenst to educate and teach children between 0-12 years. The other important part of our work is adult education. Our faculty has a practicing school for primary education and for pre-school education, where our students can do their obligatory practices. The faculty has international relations with 23 partner institutions. Our partnerships are fruitful and keep developing year to year.

Early Inclusion Project



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