Републички центар за поддршка на лица со интелектуална попреченост - ПОРАКА

Partners (institutional) name Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability - PORAKA
Role in the project Operational project partner
Responsible person (for the project) Vasilka Dimoska MD, Program Manager
Address Orce Nikolov 122
1000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Република Македонија
Homepage http://www.poraka.org.mk
Main activity in the project
Main area of work concerning Early Inclusion
The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA is a national, civil, non-governmental and non-profit organization representing the rights and interests of more than 20.000 persons with intellectual disability in Republic of Macedonia. 

PORAKA has a status of a National Disability Organization (according to The Law for Disability Organizations) and is in the Register of Associations of Citizens in the area of social protection, which is kept in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. 
PORAKA was established in 1963 and today unites 18 local branches all over the country. 

• Initiatives for improving policy relating persons with intellectual disability, 
• Coordination and methodological assistance of all local branches of PORAKA, 
• Raising public awareness relating abilities and rights of persons with intellectual disability, 
• Developing a network of alternative community-based service 
- Resource center (counseling and information service), 
- Social clubs and counseling services in all local organizations, 
- Day centers for adolescents and adults with intellectual disability, 
- Initiatives for creation of services for independent living for persons with intellectual disability, 
- Collaboration and exchange of experiences on national, European and International level.

Early Inclusion Project



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